Peter Vadas MD PhD FRCPC
Clinical Immunology and Allergy

Fax Referrals to:  Attention Dr. Peter Vadas
                             Fax:  416.944.1582

 Include: Patient contact information and demographics
              Reason for referral and relevant investigations
               Urgency (indicate as routine, urgent, emergent)
              Name of referring physician or NP
               College registration number

WHAT WE TREAT                                              WHAT WE DO NOT TREAT


Anaphylaxis                                                             Lyme disease

Allergic Rhinitis                                                        Food sensitivity   

Asthma                                                                     Chronic fatigue syndrome

Food allergies                                                          Myalgic encephalomyelitis

Drug allergies                                                           Multiple chemical allergies

Acute and chronic urticaria                                      Chemical sensitivity

Angioedema                                                             Unspecified MCAS without     Immune deficiency                                                    biopsy   confirmation               Stinging insect allergies                                   

Biopsy-confirmed cutaneous and systemic mastocytosis



Fax Referrals to:   Dr. Peter Vadas
Fax number:          416.944.1582

Referrals must include the following:
Patient contact information and demographics
OHIP number and version code
Reason for referral and relevant investigations
Name of referring physician or NP
College registration number